
Reports of Elder Abuse in Pennsylvania Investigated

shutterstock_126288149Elder Abuse Allegations Being Investigated in Northeast

Investigators are looking into reports of elder abuse in Newport Township, in Pennsylvania.

Administrators alerted local law enforcement about a possible case of elder abuse on Wednesday, June 19th, which occurred at the Guardian Elder Care Center near Nanticoke.

So far, no charges have been filed and the facility has cooperated with law enforcement, who have been busy interviewing employees. Additionally, only one instance of potential elder abuse has been reported. However, the center has had problems with elder abuse in the past, according to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“The facility is working in conjunction with local law enforcement and all other appropriate regulatory agencies to ensure ongoing resident safety,” said a statement released by the care facility. “Guardian Eldercare Center takes allegations of resident abuse very seriously and has a zero tolerance policy for any violation of resident rights.”

An inspection on January 31st resulted in a recommendation that the center develop policies for screening and training employees, and also identifying, investigating, and reporting cases of elder abuse.

That inspection revealed that a bed-ridden resident, who required the assistance of two nurses to transfer out of bed, and one nurse to get to the bathroom, had fallen out of bed the previous August. The report showed that a family member asked if he had been pushed out of bed.

The patient was unfortunately unable to describe what happened. However, the report stated that he had a 3 centimeter gash on his right elbow. The report also showed that administrators failed to ask the patient’s roommate what happened.

The report also accused the facility of failing to provide a suitable meal to a resident, failing to report a resident’s high blood sugar to a medical doctor, running out of prescription medications, and failing to respond in a timely manner to call bells, causing residents to have accidents.

While these are not direct accusations of elder abuse, they are instances of potential neglect.

Actions to Take When You Suspect Elder Abuse

There are many ways in which nursing homes can be held responsible for injuring others as a result of their negligenceabuseexploitation, false imprisonment, or violations of criminal statutes, as well as violations of regulations pertaining to their licensing, maintenance, and general operation.

An act of elder abuse, neglect or exploitation might give rise to one or all of the following types of proceedings:

1.     an investigation and finding by an adult protective services agency or the regulatory agency for nursing homes (in South Carolina it is the Department of Environmental Control);

2.     a civil cause of action for damages; and/or

3.     a criminal prosecution.

These three types of proceedings have different objectives: the objective of a protective services investigation is to provide immediate help and relief to the victim and prevent further harm; the civil action is to seek compensation for damages; and the criminal prosecution is when the state seeks to punish the harmful conduct.

The Attorneys at the Strom Law Firm Prosecute Elder Abuse

If your loved one has physically suffered, or died wrongfully, because an in-home caregiver or registered nurse in a nursing home has neglected the patient, you may have an elder abuse caseThe attorneys at the Strom Law Firm understand the sensitive nature of elder abuse cases, and will treat you with respect and compassion. It is important to fight elder abuse so you, your family, and others no longer suffer because of criminal behavior. We offer free, confidential consultations to discuss the facts of your case. Contact us today for help.803.252.4800