South Carolina Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer | Strom Law Firm, L.L.C.

Elderly Patients in Nursing Homes at Higher Risk of Head Injury

Head Injury Risk Greater in Elderly Patients Living in Long-Term Care Facilities, According to Study

Seniors in long-term care facilities have a greater risk of falling and suffering a head injury, according to a new study.

Researchers at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia say that falls account for more than 60% of hospital admissions for head injury and traumatic brain injury in seniors 65 and older. The study also found that head injury-inducing falls are becoming more common, especially in elderly people over 80.

The study was based on video footage of 227 falls among 133 residents in long-term care homes. They found that in 37% of the falls, the elderly patient hit their head, and the impact was on the ground 63% of the time. In nursing homes and long-term care facilities is most often tile or linoleum.

“We found that head impact occurred in 37 percent of falls,” researchers wrote. “By any measure, this is an alarmingly high prevalence.”

In other head injury-causing falls, the impact was on the wall 13% of the time, and on furniture 16% of the time.

“Recent studies have documented a rapid increase among older adults … for fall-related head injuries, especially in the long-term care environment,” said Stephen Robinovitch, principal investigator of the study in Monday’s Canadian Medical Association Journal.

“The reasons for these trends are poorly understood,” said Robinovitch, who specializes in injury prevention and mobility biomechanics.

One reason for the head injury risk increase in elderly patients could be that more seniors are living with multiple health conditions, and are taking multiple strong medications to treat them. This could increase vertigo or disorientation, which could lead to a fall and a head injury, according to the study’s authors.

“Although we cannot identify why hand impact was generally ineffective in halting downward movement and preventing head impact, likely causes include ineffective arm placement; nonoptimal muscle tone or muscle activation at impact; and insufficient strength in upper-limb, neck and trunk muscles, which is amenable to improvement through resistance training,” researchers explained.

Researchers stated that adding a type of compliant flooring, which could cushion impact, might help prevent head injury in serious falls.

Head Injury Symptoms

Common symptoms of a head injury include:

Mild traumatic brain injuries are defined by loss of consciousness and/or confusion and disorientation for less than 30 minutes.

Due to dementia or medication-related side effects, these symptoms might be harder to diagnose in elderly patients. Nursing home or caregiver neglect could also account for more serious problems related to head injury in the elderly.

An act of abuse, neglect or exploitation of an older person might give rise to one or all of the following types of proceedings:

  1. an investigation and finding by an adult protective services agency or the regulatory agency for nursing homes (in South Carolina it is the Department of Environmental Control);
  2. a civil cause of action for damages; and/or
  3. a criminal prosecution.

The Strom Law Firm Defends Victims of Nursing Home Abuse

The attorneys at the Strom Law Firm represent elderly clients and families who have been victims of:

If your loved one has been injured while under the care of a nursing home, whether the injury is a bruise, broken bone, or head injury, contact the Strom Law Firm, LLC nursing home lawyers today. We offer free consultations to discuss your best possible course of action. 803.252.4800