South Carolina Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer | Strom Law Firm, L.L.C.

Nursing Home Myths

Strom Law Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

1) If I can’t take care of myself at home, is a nursing home the only option?

Nowadays, there are several options to help older adults to stay at home.  Services range from assistance with shopping and laundry to caregiving and visiting home health services. If home care is no longer a feasible possibility, other options, such as assisted living, may be a better fit. Even if hospice care is being considered, home care is still a strong possibility.

2) Nursing homes are for people whose families don’t care about them. 

Many cultures have believe  that it is the family”s duty to care for their  elders. Many families believe that they are letting their loved one down if they are not able to take care of them and are forced to place them in a nursing home. However, in today’s society of smaller families living farther apart, the demands of a working family, and people living longer with more chronic illness, it simply may not be realistic.  Considering a nursing home absolutely does not mean you do not care about or love your family. If you cannot provide the necessary care, it is the responsible and correct decision to find a place where your family member’s needs will be sufficiently met.  If you are faced with making this decision, there are nursing home resources that can help you make an informed decision and find the best fit.

3) Nursing homes are poorly run, and my family member will get awful care.

While it is key to research homes thoroughly and visit frequently to find the correct home for your family, it is not true that all nursing homes provide poor care. There are a great deal of safeguards in place, and a facility’s staffing information and any previous violations are available to the public to help you make your decision.

4) Once I’m in a nursing home, I’ll never leave.

 Some illnesses or injuries do progress to the point where both ongoing medical and custodial care is necessary through the end of life. However, many families enter a nursing home for the first time after a sudden hospitalization, such as from a fall or stroke. After rehabilitative care, a lot of people decide that home or other housing options may be a better fit.


By: Pete Strom, South Carolina Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer