South Carolina Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer | Strom Law Firm, L.L.C.

SC Senior Center Faces Four Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuits

Four Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuits Filed Against Home in Florence, SC

The Emeritus facility at Laurel Gardens, a senior care center in Florence, SC, faces four nursing home abuse and neglect lawsuits filed against the center in February 2014.

One of the nursing home abuse claims alleges that one of the residents, who had dementia, was “injured as a result of abuse and neglect.”

A second claim states that the family of a resident found that their loved one had severe head injuries that required stitches. The complaint also alleges that Laurel Gardens failed to investigate the nursing home abuse incident that caused the head injuries.

“What happens to the people who are still at laurel gardens who have family that aren’t involved? Is this conduct still going to continue?” asks one of the plaintiff’s attorneys.

Laurel Gardens issued a statement about the four nursing home abuse lawsuits, which states, “We just received these lawsuits and are therefore not in a position to comment…we are committed to providing quality care for seniors.”

Five Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

1. Bedsores and Unexplained Rashes

A bedsore, also called decubitis ulcer, is a pressure sore which typically arise if a patient is not turned frequently and is lying on a low quality mattress without overlays. Typically bedsores are seen at the heels of the feet, back of the knees, buttocks, and other boney parts of the body. A bedsore may be treated with antibiotics. However, if the antibiotics do not work, amputation may be the only means of saving the life of the patient. A patient may die from sepsis, or blood poisoning as a result of the bed sore.

2. Unexplained or Undocumented Falls

Many times, when these patients experience a fall, they are left with lacerations, abrasions, bone fractures, disfigurement, and even head injuries. Nursing Home staff may fail to report how the patient sustained such injuries and/or fail to examine the full extent of the injuries.

3. Malnutrition and Dehydration

In some circumstances elderly patients may require a special diet and/or may not be able to feed themselves. If nursing home staffs fail to provide for the patient’s needs malnutrition or dehydration may result.

4. Body Odor, Soiled Sheets or Clothing, Unkempt

If your loved one looks messy and appears un-bathed this should come as a red flag for nursing home neglect. Nursing home staff have a duty to care for your loved one, this includes routine bathing, changing of linens, and making sure your loved one is fed.

5. Injury sustained from Elopement and Wandering

When a nursing home patient wanders away from a facility, they are unknowingly putting themselves in danger.

Nursing home staff have an obligation to ensure that no elderly patient will walk away from the premises.  Wandering occurs when a resident is left to roam aimlessly around the facility with no supervision.

The Strom Law Defends Victims of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

If your loved one has physically suffered, or died wrongfully, due to neglect or abuse in a nursing home, you may have a nursing home abuse case. The attorneys at the Strom Law Firm understand the sensitive nature of elder abuse cases, and will treat you with respect and compassion. It is important to fight elder abuse so you, your family, and others no longer suffer because of criminal behavior. We offer free, confidential consultations to discuss the facts of your case. Contact us today for help.803.252.4800